
Ben Jerred

Artist and Teacher


Frequently Asked Questions

(Gameplay and Rules Related)

Q: If the Dirlydwurg moves an opponent's stone, is it affected by traps and pits? The Traps rule says "any piece" so I assume yes. But if you move your opponent's stone onto a pit, does it count as taking the stone? Same if you dump your opponent's stone off the board with a trap. Now that I think about it, if you use Dirlydwurg (is it "Dirlydwurg" or "The Dirlydwurg"?) to move your own stone onto a Safe, is it then completely secure?

A: Hi again, more good questions! Stones can only be affected by non-lethal traps. Stones can't be placed on lethal traps, on pits, safes, things like that. Only open spots. This is because stones can only be conquered by moons or stars. Oh and Dirlydwurgs can move UP to four spaces.

Q: Moons can move over paths sideways, but can't jump traps. Can stars move onto traps or paths from the side? If so, what happens? Do they get dumped out the exit of the trap? Do they choose which end of the path to land on? (I assume this is the case in your example diagram where a chain of paths leads you to a final path set perpendicular to the rest.) Do they destroy the trap like they destroy a pit?

Q: Another question, separate from the above: Can a star land on and take a stack - i.e. a moon with star piggyback or a pair of moons?

A: If a star or moon lands on two pieces piggybacking it's so long and farewell to the two piggybacking pieces at once.

Q: If you use Agbert's ability, do the pieces come back as what they were or do you get to choose which side is used? I assume the former. But presumably you get to choose the orientation as well as placement of traps.

A: For Agberts, you get to place reclaimed lost pieces anywhere on your side but they still have to be whatever they were when they were taken (moons, stars, and/or pits. Traps are not captured so they can't be reclaimed).

Q: Yinnok - when converting paths to traps and vice versa, do you preserve the orientation? Presumably Yinnok still gets to choose the orientation of the trap, but must it be in the same axis as the path was, or can it be any direction at all? Or does the opponent chose orientation?

A: You have to preserve as you said, the axis of the piece, but when making a trap out of a path, you get to choose the direction along that axis. The opponent only gets to look on in dismay.

Q: If a trap or pit eliminates an enemy moon or star, does this cause the deity to advance? This is not made explicit.

If your pit takes out the opponent's moon, your deity advances one. If your pit takes out the opponent's star, your deity advances one, but the opponent's deity advances one as well because you lose your pit in the process. Hopefully that makes sense?


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